Spreading the Gospel both in the United States and around the world is the heart of Hope in the Valley Baptist Church.
What We Do
As part of the Southern Baptist Convention our church contributes to the convention’s International Missions Board which sends missionaries all over the world to unreached and unengaged people groups. We also partner with various missionaries across the world who might not be associated with the convention but still have a dedication to sharing the gospel to those in need.
Our church has committed to adopting an unreached and unengaged people group located in Africa. This means that we are committed to doing everything we can to make sure the gospel goes out to that people. This has meant years of research and strategizing as well as sending a few teams to that people group. We are also fortunate enough to be able to be partnered with some missionaries working with the same people group.
Hope in the Valley Baptist Church is also a church dedicated to church planting, whether that be here in California, or outside the country. We have joined with other churches in order to plant locally, and our Spanish Language Ministry has planted several churches all over the world. Our desire is to make disciples who will then turn and make disciples themselves.
Take Part
Any and all missions activity that Hope in the Valley takes part in must be bathed in prayer. It is an essential part to our missional endeavors that every believer can take part in. We hope you will join us in this.
One missional activity in which our whole church is invited to go on is our annual missions trip to Mexico. This trip has taken many forms as we have partnered with different ministry programs throughout the years, but if you wish to go and take part in missions our summer Mexico missions trip is open to all.
If you cannot are are not able to go, but you would still like to be able to contribute to our missions causes you may feel free to give through our online portal or our in person offering to our Harry Tuchfarber general mission fund. We also take a few different specific missional offerings throughout the year such as Lottie Moon, Annie Armstrong, or the California Missions Offering that you may contribute to as well. We appreciate anybody willing to help send the gospel to those in need.
Give Here
California Mission Offering
The California Mission Offering supports church starting, healthy churches, disaster relief and mission action, association projects and migrant missions throughout California Disaster Relief CSBC volunteers contribute manpower, ministry and financial help during major disasters.
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Through gifts to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering® and the Cooperative Program, NAMB supports more than 5,000 missionaries and more than 3,800 chaplains who serve in difficult places where the gospel is often not welcome.
Through Send Network, we help Southern Baptists plant new churches. In the last 100 years, SBC churches in proportion to population has dropped. By partnering with churches to train and deploy church planting missionaries, NAMB’s goal is to help Southern Baptists plant 1,200 new churches annually in cities, small towns, college campuses and military communities.
In 2016, NAMB launched Send Relief. Just as Southern Baptist Disaster Relief matches urgent needs with volunteers bringing help, Send Relief is expanding that to equip churches in addressing poverty, refugees, foster care and adoption and human trafficking. We’re establishing Send Relief regional ministries to meet needs and offer long- and short-term volunteer opportunities.
We are sincerely grateful for the prayer support and sacrificial giving of every Southern Baptist. You can be assured that we are committed to being the very best stewards with every dollar we receive.
Primary ministry initiatives of NAMB: Send Network (church planting) and Send Relief (compassion ministries)
Amount of NAMB budget provided by Cooperative Program: 38%
Amount of NAMB budget provided by Annie Armstrong Easter Offering: 49%
Year offering started: In 1895 by WMU®
Amount given in 1895: $5,000 +
Year offering named after Annie Armstrong: 1934
Total offering gifts to date: Over $1 billion
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Operation Christmas Child
God is at work through
Operation Christmas Child!
National Collection Week is in the fall
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For more about Lottie Moon’s life, events, and even recipes, please see our friends at International Mission Board - Click on the picture below: