Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery
Friday Nights
@ 6:30 pm
We meet in room 124

Vision Statement
Hope in the Valley Baptist Church believes in community!
“Celebrate Recovery” is all about community and relationships. It’s a Christ-Centered
program that gives people the resources and relationships to help recover from life’s
hurts, habits, and hang-ups.
These burdens can come from past physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. Growing up
in family dysfunction can be as hurtful as addictions like drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling,
or anything else that “knocks us sideways”.
CR is for emotional issues like anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem.
Anything that causes you shame, guilt, despair, depression, anger, or pain.
CR is for anyone experiencing some type of brokenness from past difficulties.
If you’re ready to start a new life, whether you’re shy or outgoing, in church or not, if
you’re sad, guilty, or compulsive; let us help you with the tools to change things.
CR is for anyone and everyone.
Let us help you Celebrate Your Recovery - We’re here to help.
Here is a link to our church’s CR facebook page. Please use this or call into the church office to get connected with our CR group. Everybody needs some help and there’s no need to go through it alone.